Tintin Forums
Tintinologist Forums Terms of Membership
All forums are post moderated; however, this dialogue is a cooperative endeavor. To maintain an environment conducive to quality, please agree to the following few basic guidelines and requests before using the forums:
By using the forums, you agree to abide by the following rules:
- Keep one account per person.
- Keep posts on-topic, constructive, family-friendly and of general interest.
- Be ethical and lawful. Do not ask for or provide information on where to obtain illegal material (e.g. unofficial Tintin works, unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works).
- No self-promotion or business advertising. Making excessive, unnecessary references to your own products and websites is self promotion.
- Write in English. Use standard English grammar and punctuation.
- Messages posted at Tintinologist.org are the sole opinion and responsibility of the poster.
- By posting, the poster grants Tintinologist.org a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide licence to use the submitted content in any way for any purpose.
- Tintinologist.org reserves the right to modify/move/remove any user contribution, or take action against any account, at any time, for any reason.
- These terms/rules are retroactive, and it is the user's responsibility to remain informed of current Tintinologist.org policies.