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Picaros: Changes made to Tintin's character?

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#1 · Posted: 9 May 2006 22:02
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Yoga, CND symbol, more personality...a lot of people didn't like these chages made to Tintin's character in the last book, but I for one did. Anyone else agree with me?
Tintin and Snowy
#2 · Posted: 9 May 2006 23:55
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Those changes were interesting. Some I liked and some I didn't like. I thought it was great that Tintin did yoga, but personally I don't like his change of pants. I like the plus fours better.
#3 · Posted: 10 May 2006 04:19
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I just recently got and read Picaros, after having re-read all my older Tintins, and read for the first time some of them. I really liked it - the characters seemed to have more depth to them than in any previous books, and the artwork was at its finest of all the books. The pants didn't bother me in the least - the book is obviously set in the 60s/early 70s, so why not? My only regret is that there aren't any more completed works after it to read. It would have been interesting to see where Herge might have gone. I still need to get Alph-Art. Hard to imagine the Captain never drinking again, though, if Calculus' pills were truly permanent in their effects.
#4 · Posted: 10 May 2006 17:09
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I certainly liked the character change - Tintin became more like me! Prefared him with plus fours on though.

Hard to imagine the Captain never drinking again, though, if Calculus' pills were truly permanent in their effects

In Tintin and Alph-art, Herge revealed in his notes that Calculus would invent a cure for the pill, but the first attempt would make all Haddock's hair fall off and go spotty! Interestingly, Herge thought, in his plans for his 24th story, he thought of Haddock getting involved in the art world because of his lack of whisky - painting was Haddock's way of compensating.
#5 · Posted: 12 May 2006 17:25
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I personally prefer the jeans (I think they were jeans...) but then I prefer jeans to anything..I just thought Tintin looked good in them...
#6 · Posted: 13 May 2006 03:36
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But they were flared jeans! Did not suit him at all. Tintin = plus-fours.
Harrock n roll
#7 · Posted: 13 May 2006 09:44
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Just to remind people before we wander off-topic: there is a discussion already concerning the appreciation (or not) of Tintin's jeans (see Tintin and the Picaros: in defence of Tintin's trousers). Let's restrict this thread to discussion on the changes made to Tintin's character in Picaros.
Stas Werno
#8 · Posted: 8 Aug 2006 23:47
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I liked them, they made the character of Tintin even more personal and close to Hergé I think. The trousers may have been a bit of a mistake, like taking away mickey mouses ears, but tintin is still tintin.

I like yoga, nuclear disarmament though an unrealistic prospect would be nice... but most of all I can see tintin having these traits from the off, it's just in his character.
Harrock n roll
#9 · Posted: 9 Aug 2006 00:38
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Aye, Tintin always was a 'keep fit' enthusiast and yoga had become fashionable in the 60s/70s. And I believe Tintin was against WMD from early on (as in The Broken Ear for instance) so the CND badge doesn't seem too out of place.

However, I think by wearing the badge he was making a statement. So was he becoming an angry young man? Or perhaps, keeping in mind the yoga and flares, ...

... a bit of a hippy ...? :-o
#10 · Posted: 9 Sep 2006 00:09
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Hard to imagine the Captain never drinking again, though, if Calculus' pills were truly permanent in their effects

In Tintin and Alph-art, Herge revealed in his notes that Calculus would invent a cure for the pill, but the first attempt would make all Haddock's hair fall off and go spotty! Interestingly, Herge thought, in his plans for his 24th story, he thought of Haddock getting involved in the art world because of his lack of whisky - painting was Haddock's way of compensating.

But aren't the effects of the pills temporary? In Tintin and the Picaros, the chief of the Arumbayas has a reaction after drinking an entire bottle of whisky, prompting Calculus to write the following in his journal:

"...it seems that he too has temporarily given up whisky..." (my emphasis)

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