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Cigars of the Pharaoh: "Destination Moon" book anachronism?

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#1 · Posted: 22 Jul 2004 22:45
In Cigars of the Pharaoh, on page 15, Tintin is brought to a sheik who wants revenge against Tintin for selling one of his servants soap which he misunderstood to be cake.
So there he is about to take out his revenge when he realises the man is Tintin and tells him he has fallen in love with his books about his exploits.
He shows him the cover of Destination Moon.
As far as I understand, Destination Moon was written long after Cigars.
Does this only show up in later editions such as the one I have?
If this is the case what does the sheik show Tintin in the original editions?
#2 · Posted: 23 Jul 2004 00:05
Welcome to our community, Louis.
Check out item 6, trivia section of our Cigars of the Pharaoh album guide.
#3 · Posted: 2 Jan 2006 00:10
As a relatively casual (and certainly non-expert) reader of Tintin, I hope these questions aren't too naive...?

Reading Cigars with my son this evening, I was wondering when the cover of Destination Moon was inserted into the last frame of page 15, the Tintin album brought into the Sheik's tent by a servant. Presumably this was for the 1955 edition?
What cover (if any) was the servant holding before?
Was this an isolated amendment or were there extensive changes in the 1955 edition?
And were any such changes carried out by Hergé himself?
#4 · Posted: 2 Jan 2006 08:31
When the album was redrawn Destination Moon was the latest book.
It was originally Tintin in the Congo.
It was changed for the 1955 edition

labrador road 26
#5 · Posted: 3 Jan 2006 07:21
In the b/w album, he holds up Tintin in America, which was then changed to Congo, in the first color version.

I must say the sheik was lucky to have three albums out in the desert, and to read the Moon adventure before it happened, what bliss ;-)

He should have contacted the group when the time come to tell them that the rocket would be hijacked by someone, but I guess he forgot...! ;-)
#6 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 09:33
I have not read Cigars, so can anyone tell me, what is Tintin's reaction when he sees a comic book of himself?

I bet such an episode was never shown in the Nelvana-Ellipse productions.
cigars of the beeper
#7 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 21:14
You're correct. It's not shown in the animated episode.
#8 · Posted: 24 Feb 2025 00:39
He remarks a bit later "Amazing what a little publicity will do for you!"
#9 · Posted: 25 Feb 2025 20:25
He remarks a bit later "Amazing what a little publicity will do for you!"

In the French version it's a different remark.

Tintin says "C'était un bien cheic chik, je veux dire, un bien chic cheik!"
Which seems to be a word play on the words "chic" and "cheik" (=sheikh in English)?

And in the original black and white version it's Snowy that makes the remark:
"C'était un bien chec shik! ... Je veux dire un bien chic sheik! ..."
(Not sure why it's "sheik" in this case, not "cheik".)
Piotr Skut
#10 · Posted: 4 Mar 2025 21:56
what does that mean?

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