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Tintin in the Congo: Missing color plates from b/w facsimile?

#1 · Posted: 3 Jun 2008 05:00
According to this page [Site no longer working. Broken link removed - Moderator], there were four coloured plates in the original 1931 book.

Why are they missing from the English facsimile from 2002, which had that same cover?
#2 · Posted: 3 Jun 2008 09:30
Those four coloured plates look like they're from the 1946 revision of Tintin in the Congo, not the original 1931 book.

That's my guess anyway.
Harrock n roll
#3 · Posted: 11 Jun 2008 10:51
I don't believe the colour plates were in the original 1931 book, I think they were added to the later (1937?) Casterman republishing of the black and white album.

The colour plates are present in the 2004 English facsimile, with the Ford model-T cover.
#4 · Posted: 20 Dec 2011 20:46
Harrock n roll:
I think they were added to the later (1937?) Casterman republishing of the black and white album.

What exactly are these "colour plates"?
#5 · Posted: 4 Oct 2017 09:46
What exactly are these "colour plates"?

Although I know that this message was posted a looooong time ago, I'll answer it for future readers - the colour plates are large, one-page pictures showing a scene from the adventure, like the ones (Haddock, Tintin and Snowy in the desert, for example) we see in The Crab with the Golden Claws.
#6 · Posted: 10 Nov 2024 10:57
The 1982 Casterman B&W facsimile edition has no color plates.
#7 · Posted: 11 Nov 2024 14:49
The 1982 Casterman B&W facsimile edition has no color plates.

Good spot. That's because it's a replica of the 1931 French-language first edition, which - as Harrock mentions above - didin't have them.

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