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Dimensions of new colorized editions?

#1 · Posted: 27 Mar 2025 02:40
Firstly, it is weird that they skipped releasing physical copies of the newly colorized editions of the original B&W for Soviets and Congo, and went straight to America.

But, does anyone know why the dimensions for America is different from Cigars and Blue Lotus?
#2 · Posted: 27 Mar 2025 12:21
Firstly, it is weird that they skipped releasing physical copies of the newly colorized editions of the original B&W for Soviets and Congo, and went straight to America.

I think it was done to promote the use of the digital editions app, and (in the case of Soviets) to avoid stepping on the toes of the regular English-language publisher.

But, does anyone know why the dimensions for America is different from Cigars and Blue Lotus?

Differences in dimensions of some of the facsimiles was noted in the past, and I had a go at doing some comparative measurements of them in this thread here.

When you are talking about the books not being the same size, is that just the dimensions of the volumes changing, or has the interior atwork changed size too...?
#3 · Posted: 27 Mar 2025 16:56

The books themselves are significantly different in dimensions and styling. America is an entire inch shorter in both length and height. The spine is different too.

I am guessing it's because of the different publishers.
America was exclusively a "Moulinsart edition", and the back cover weirdly goes on and on about how Casterman was not involved.
Cigars and Blue Lotus appear to be a joint effort with Casterman.

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