Jelsemium Member
#6 · Posted: 16 Oct 2011 00:29
I don't think a tribute has to be an entire story. For example, pick your favorite detective character (from books or TV) and have him or her interviewed by a Belgian reporter who looked like he was still in his teens.
As for writing your own stories, if you make the characters similar to Tintin's cast without being identical, you'd be writing a tribute.
Take a boy adventurer and his dog. This premise has been done many times, take a look at Lassie & Timmy, Buster Brown and his dog Tighe, Rin-tin-tin & Rusty. (Rinty, by the way, was born in 1918. The radio show named after him started in 1930.)
I wouldn't recommend you recreate the entire cast and just changing their names. I'm sure Moulinsart would view that as stealing. However, creating original fic "in the style of Herge" gives you more leeway.
Cherry pick the characters you like, Tintin and Snowy, for example and change them significantly. A young adventurer (Timbuktu) plus a faithful canine sidekick (K9).
Leave out the characters you don't like. Set their home in whatever place you like. (Your home town, perhaps.)
In Tintin in America, Snowy actually talked to Tintin. In most of the other books I've read, Snowy only talks to the readers. In your original fiction, you could have all animals able to talk, or have only K9 able to talk to humans, or maybe K9 is only able to talk to Timbuktu, or maybe Timbuktu is able to talk to all animals...
You could throw in a girlfriend. (Or make Timbuktu a female ala Dorothy Gale and Toto.)
Anyway, my point is that if you think you can write a Tintin story, then you could write a "Tintin-esque" story and show your admiration for Herge legally. The best part is that characters would belong to you.