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For Sale: Land of Black Gold (Algueres version)

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#1 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 20:57
I sell my algueres version of Tintín al país de l'or negre, published 1995 in only 400 copies.
Algueres is a catalan dialect spoken in l'Alguer (Alghero, in italian), in the island of Sardinia, Italy.
The price is 10.000 (ten thousands) euros.
#2 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 22:01
Wow! That's a lot of money!

Even allowing that this is one of only 400 copies (and there have been several regional dialect versions in recent years), €10,000 could go a long way towards a 1930 autographed copy of Au pays des Soviets at the Château de Cheverney auction starting on Friday...!

Good luck!
#3 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 22:06
thanks :-))
#4 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 22:59
You are welcome.

You might be interested to know that a copy reportedly sold for €2,550 in June.

I also see that of the 400 copies printed, 250 were given away free at the time...

Not a bad return on the investment I suppose...
#5 · Posted: 7 Oct 2010 08:34
I have no need to sell it, I'm one of the translators.
We print the comic and gave it to school boys (10-13 years old) who were studying our dialect. I don't remember if were exactely 250, but maybe it's correct.

I knew that offer, so I thougt: let me see how much people can reach... :-)

But, maybe someone has all languages but not this... Maybe this person is quite rich to achieve his desire to complete his collection...
In this case, maybe the price is not too bad for him.
And for me too :-)

Just in case...

Regards from Madrid!
#6 · Posted: 7 Oct 2010 09:06
I have no need to sell it, I'm one of the translators.

Ah, that'S interesting! You can then perhaps also answer a question: why did you translate Land of Black Gold? It's not an obvious choice to me, so perhaps you had a reason in mind for the linguistic purpose it was meant to serve?

We print the comic and gave it to school boys (10-13 years old) who were studying our dialect.

No school girls then? And did it help as a tool for teachng dialect? Did you get any feedback?

I knew that offer, so I thougt: let me see how much people can reach... :-)

And you have another 149 copies in your attic...? ;-)

But, maybe someone has all languages but not this... Maybe this person is quite rich to achieve his desire to complete his collection...

Oh absolutely - as we always try to point out on here, the value or worth of an item is what the person who buys it is willing to pay for it...!

The 25-28 year old males in your region are at least going to have a little bit of money to pay off their student loans if they decide to sell their copies!
#7 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 10:28
So many questions :-)

perhaps also answer a question: why did you translate Land of Black Gold? It’s not an obvious choice to me, so perhaps you had a reason in mind for the linguistic purpose it was meant to serve?

Why people read Tintin in english or german, and not only in belgian french?
Because people speaks many languages...

We print the comic and gave it to school boys (10-13 years old) who were studying our dialect.

No school girls then? And did it help as a tool for teachng dialect? Did you get any feedback?

Sorry for my english... :-(

I knew that offer, so I thougt: let me see how much people can reach... :-)

And you have another 149 copies in your attic…? ;-)

I wish I had an attic and so many copies of "Tintín al país de l'or negre", but unfortunately I only have mine :-(

But, maybe someone has all languages but not this... Maybe this person is quite rich to achieve his desire to complete his collection...

Oh absolutely - as we always try to point out on here, the value or worth of an item is what the person who buys it is willing to pay for it…!

The 25-28 year old males in your region are at least going to have a little bit of money to pay off their student loans if they decide to sell their copies!

Maybe, or maybe not... Does everybody still have at home a comic received when was 10-13? :-)
#8 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 16:09
Because people speaks many languages...

I do beg your pardon, I wasn’t questioning the actual making of the translation - it wasn’t meant as a criticism.

I just was interested why you picked Black Gold in particular, as opposed to one of the other books. I wondered if it offered an opportunity for vocabulary or grammar, or was it just your favourite book?

Maybe, or maybe not... Does everybody still have at home a comic received when was 10-13? :-)

Too true! Many 13 year old boys come with a mother, and mothers love to throw things away… :-(
#9 · Posted: 9 Oct 2010 10:01
. I wondered if it offered an opportunity for vocabulary or grammar, or was it just your favourite book?

It wasn't me to choose the title, I just was one of the translators. But I knew that was a simply occasion, because they were editing this title in standard catalan and we could have an impression (400 copies) just printing the black colours, wich included text.
Not expensive :-)
#10 · Posted: 9 Oct 2010 14:59
they were editing this title in standard catalan and we could have an impression (400 copies) just printing the black colours, wich included text.

That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the information!

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