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20 years later, glad to see the forums are still thriving

#1 · Posted: 23 Feb 2025 19:04
Hi everyone!

I am a member since the The Cult of Tintin days and was active here till 2004. 21 years later, amazed to see my account is still alive. :-) A nice trip down the memory lane. Any old members still here?
Harrock n roll
#2 · Posted: 24 Feb 2025 17:18
Hello Kirthiboy! :-)

Good to see you around these parts. We're still going, although it may be a bit quieter than it was in the old days. It's always difficult competing with various groups on other social media, where people can post images and whatnot (and copyright be damned!)

But I like to think the quality of scholarship here is still as good as it ever was. And you're always welcome to contribute, as is everyone else!
#3 · Posted: 24 Feb 2025 22:46
Hey Harrock n roll! Nice to see you here. :-)

Yeah, can imagine how strange is to still be in the situation where you cannot post images and stuff in this day and age.

I am just happy to see tintinologist still kicking.

A side question: Does anyone know where folks can buy/sell pre-owned Tintin collectibles? Besides ebay I presume?

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