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[Completed] Suggestion: Tintin quizzes on this site

#1 · Posted: 27 Apr 2006 20:41
Looking on the Asterix forum, they have a really good idea that I really hope will be implemented on this site. They have a section on quizes, where someone sets a question on Asterix (it would be Tintin here of course, such as, where in which book does Haddock make a referance to etc... ) and people try and answer them. Howmever gets it right, sets the new question, and there are scores that are kept, according to how many ones you have right. Here is a link so you can see what it's like:URL. Anyone here support the idea, please say so.
#2 · Posted: 27 Apr 2006 21:04
Sounds fun, why not start one?

#3 · Posted: 27 Apr 2006 21:48
I will. It should be ready for bank holiday monday (the 31st April) if not sooner. I'd better find out some witty questions... (and everyone else too of course) - should I be quizmaster (the man who keeps the scores basically)?

# Posted: 27 Apr 2006 13:48:34
To admin, for the new quiz,would it be best to make it a part of the site i.e. a topic (in which case you'll have to do), or should I make it an ongoing post, with a separate post for monthly scores.
#4 · Posted: 28 Apr 2006 07:00
Thanks for the fun suggestion, SingingGandalf! Just give me a moment to implement your suggestion. :-)

In case we receive more than one expression of interest in the role of Score Keeper position, we may make the position a rotating one.

Check out the new Tintin Trivia Challenge forum! :-)

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