Hello everyone!
Just a quick word to say that there is now Tintinologist.org fan-group on Facebook.
This is a bit of an experiment. Initially it is just a sort of advert for the site, so that anyone searching for Tintin on Facebook will be able to see what we are about and find us.
If you're already a Facebook member, why not join up and show your Facebook friends what they are missing? Invite them to join, and let them know about all that Tintinologist.org has to offer!
A "benefit" is that if you join you will be able to see what your fellow members look like! You may also find that there are other Tintin fans in your area, and you might be able to meet and share your interest with them.
But what else can it do?
There may be other ways that tintinologists can use Facebook - ways which
we haven't thought of. What would these be?
If you have any ideas about how we can use Facebook to help you, or for you to help us, do post them here, on our wall at Facebook, or drop a line to the special new e-mail address for this purpose:
facebook "at" tintinologist.org.
In the mean time, join up, post a link to your page, and tell your friends all about it!
Update: If you are here, welcome and thanks to Ben - our first
real Facebook group member!!
Update 2: group closed in favour of fan page. Jan/2012.