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Tintin In Other Languages: Tintin in Danish newspapers and magazines

#1 · Posted: 23 May 2009 14:15
I'm looking for more information about the adventures of Tintin in danish magazines and newspapers.
Can somebody help me?

Does someone can tell me which Tintin stories were published in the newspaper "Politiken" in the sixties.

I know that two magazines published Tintin adventures, namely : Kong Kylie (8 titles) end Fart og tempo (5 titles).

If you know more newspapers or magazines, please let me know

#2 · Posted: 26 May 2009 12:58
Overview Tintin i Politiken

1957 Det sorte guld

1957-58 Faraos cigarer

1958 De syv krystalkugler

1958-59 Soltemplet

1959 Den mystiske stjerne

1959-1960 Manen tur-retur, 2. del (1. del bringes ikke! )

1960 Kong Ottokars scepter

1960-61 Den sorte ø (gammel udgave )

1961 Krabben med guldkloerne (bemaerk titlen)

1961 Eenhjorningens hemmelighed (bemaerk stavemaden)

1961-62 Rackham den Rodes skat

1962 Tintin i Tibet

1962-63 Affaeren Tournesol (bemaerk titlen)

1963 Koks i lasten

1963 Det gadefulde juveltyveri (uden titel)

1963-64 Det knaekkede ore (bemaerk titlen)

1964-65 Den bla lotus

1965-66 Tintin i Amerika

1966-67 Den sorte ø (ny udgave)

1967-68 Flight no. 714 til Sydney

1968-70 Guldkrabben (bemaerk titlen; bemaerk 1961!)

1970-71 Tintin i Tibet

1971-72 Det knuste ore

1972-73 Kong Ottokars scepter (gammel albumtekstning fra 1960 )

1973-74 Tintin og haj-soen

1974-75 Den bla lotus

1975-76 Tintin i Congo

1976 Tintin og picaro erne
#3 · Posted: 26 May 2009 15:08
Is the adventure published in 1960-61 The Black Island? I don't speak any Danish, but when I put Den sorte o into Google Translate, all I get is The Black O...
Mikael Uhlin
#4 · Posted: 26 May 2009 16:13
Yeah, it's The Black Island. It's actually Den sorte ø in Danish, "ø" being the Danish (and Norwegian) equivalent of Swedish "ö", all meaning island.

Moderator Note: Ah, thank you - the post has been corrected accordingly!
The Tidy Tintinologist Team
#5 · Posted: 26 May 2009 17:25
Thanks, Mikael, for the information - I thought it had to be (given the new and old versions listed) - and of course to the ever informative and comprehensive Colonel for the list in the first place!

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