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Archaeology - Mycenaean Pottery Terms in Syldavian And a Book !

Mustafa Umut Sarac
#1 · Posted: 17 Mar 2025 22:20
I am an archaeologist and I love mycenaean ceramics.



You will face with classification of these 3500 years old ceramics either with motif or shape.




Syldavian Archaeological Terms
Excavation Terms
Stradkop (excavation)
Ploznij (artifact)
Krendig (to dig)
Zylstra (layer/stratum)
Vormetz (trowel)
Strelkij (shovel)
Kloptow (to unearth)
Moltnij (site)
Krasdow (grid)
Breskop (test pit)
Artifacts and Materials
Stravetz (pottery)
Plodnij (ceramic)
Krolmet (metal object)
Zylbon (bone)
Vormij (stone tool)
Strelgow (weapon find)
Klopsij (jewelry)
Molkow (coin)
Krastij (textile remains)
Brespij (glass)
Dating and Time Periods
Stradzen (ancient)
Plostij (medieval)
Krolvek (age/period)
Zyldat (date)
Vormow (timeline)
Strelij (era)
Kloptik (carbon dating)
Moltnow (chronology)
Krasnij (sequence)
Brestak (stratification)
Research Methods
Stradlog (archaeology)
Ploznow (survey)
Krenmez (mapping)
Zylsis (analysis)
Vormij (documentation)
Strelkow (reconstruction)
Kloptij (preservation)
Molstra (restoration)
Krasdij (classification)
Breskij (interpretation)
Site Features
Stradmen (burial)
Ploznij (settlement)
Krolvow (fortification)
Zyldom (dwelling)
Vormij (hearth)
Strelpit (storage pit)
Klopsow (wall foundation)
Moltnij (post hole)
Krasdow (floor level)
Breskij (entrance)
Cultural Terms
Stradkul (culture)
Ploznow (tradition)
Krolvij (ritual)
Zylsoc (society)
Vormij (customs)
Strelkij (beliefs)
Kloptow (practices)
Moltnij (lifestyle)
Krasdij (technology)
Breskow (trade network)
Stradzen (preservation)
Ploznij (conservation)
Krolvow (restoration)
Zyltek (technique)
Vormij (treatment)
Strelkow (storage)
Kloptij (display)
Molstra (handling)
Krasdow (stabilization)
Breskij (protection)
Formation Patterns Used:
1. Scientific terms often use -log, -sis endings
2. Tool names frequently end in -etz, -ow
3. Process terms use -kop, -dig patterns
4. Dating terminology uses -vek, -dat endings
5. Feature terms often begin with strad-, zyl-
6. Conservation terms favor -zen, -tek endings
Common Phrases
Stradkop zylstra (excavation layer)
Ploznij vormetz (artifact tool)
Krenmez moltnij (site mapping)
Zylsis krasdij (finds analysis)
Stradzen kloptij (preservation technique)
Last e
Syldavian Mycenaean Pottery Terms
Vessel Types
Stralaba (alabastron)
Plokrat (krater)
Kylvaz (kylix)
Zylfor (amphora)
Vormrit (stirrup jar)
Strelpix (pixis)
Kloptyl (pyxis)
Molryt (rhyton)
Kraskan (kantharos)
Breskup (cup)
Decorative Elements
Stradpir (spiral pattern)
Ploznul (nautilus)
Krolflor (floral motif)
Zylarg (argonaut)
Vormpal (palatial style)
Strelban (band decoration)
Klopwav (wave pattern)
Moltrix (tricurve arch)
Krasmur (murex pattern)
Breslin (linear design)
Paint and Decoration
Stradlus (lustrous paint)
Plozmat (matt paint)
Kroldek (dark paint)
Zylred (red paint)
Vormbrn (brown paint)
Strelpig (pigment)
Klopsip (slip)
Moltnij (painted zone)
Krasdip (dipped decoration)
Bresglz (glaze)
Manufacturing Techniques
Stradwel (wheel-made)
Plozcoil (coil-built)
Krolturn (throwing)
Zylfire (firing)
Vormkin (kiln)
Strelbnk (potter's wheel)
Kloptol (tools)
Molform (forming)
Krasdrij (drying)
Bresmold (molding)
Classification Terms
Stradpal (Palace Style)
Plozstl (Pictorial Style)
Krolver (Versatile Style)
Zylcls (classification)
Vormtyp (typology)
Strelgrp (group)
Klopwrk (workshop)
Moldate (dating)
Krasfaz (phase)
Bresper (period)
Structural Elements
Stradbas (base)
Plozrim (rim)
Krolhdl (handle)
Zylneck (neck)
Vormbod (body)
Strelfot (foot)
Kloplip (lip)
Molshou (shoulder)
Krasprof (profile)
Breswall (wall)
Condition Terms
Stradbrk (broken)
Plozmen (mended)
Krolfrag (fragment)
Zylwear (wear)
Vormres (restored)
Strelchp (chipped)
Klopcom (complete)
Molpres (preserved)
Krasdmg (damaged)
Bresint (intact)
Common Phrases
Stradpal zylfor (Palace Style amphora)
Ploznul strelban (nautilus band decoration)
Krolturn vormkin (throwing kiln)
Zylfire stradlus (lustrous fired surface)
Vormrit krolhdl (stirrup jar handle)
Strelgrp plozstl (Pictorial Style group)
Formation Rules:
1. Vessel types use strong initial consonants (str-, pl-, kyl-)
2. Decorative terms often end in -ul, -ir
3. Technical terms favor -urn, -ire endings
4. Classification terms use -pal, -stl patterns
5. Structural terms maintain simple endings (-as, -im)
6. Condition terms often end in -rk, -ag
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#2 · Posted: 17 Mar 2025 22:23
Syldavian Terms for Mycenaean Decorative Motifs
Marine Motifs
Stradpus (octopus design)
Ploznaut (nautilus pattern)
Krolfich (fish motif)
Zylshel (shell pattern)
Vormdol (dolphin design)
Strelarg (argonaut)
Kloptrif (triton shell)
Molstar (starfish)
Kraswav (wave pattern)
Breskel (seaweed design)
Floral and Plant Motifs
Stradlil (lily pattern)
Plozpap (papyrus)
Krolfol (foliate band)
Zylpal (palm tree)
Vormros (rosette)
Strelvin (vine scroll)
Klopflo (flower motif)
Molleaf (leaf pattern)
Kraseed (seed pattern)
Brestree (tree of life)
Abstract Patterns
Stradspir (spiral design)
Plozzig (zigzag pattern)
Krolnet (net pattern)
Zylchev (chevron)
Vormscal (scale pattern)
Streldia (diamond shape)
Klopkol (circle chain)
Molband (running band)
Krasline (linear pattern)
Bresdot (dot pattern)
Composite Designs
Stradmix (mixed pattern)
Plozcom (composite motif)
Krolzon (zonal decoration)
Zylpan (panel design)
Vormfri (frieze pattern)
Strelalt (alternating motif)
Klopint (interlocking design)
Molrep (repeating pattern)
Kraslay (layered design)
Bresmed (medallion style)
Animal Motifs
Stradird (bird design)
Plozbul (bull pattern)
Kroldeer (deer motif)
Zylgoat (goat design)
Vormdog (dog figure)
Strellion (lion motif)
Klophor (horse design)
Molbut (butterfly)
Krasbee (bee pattern)
Bresgrif (griffin)
Border Patterns
Stradbor (border design)
Plozrim (rim pattern)
Kroledg (edge decoration)
Zylfrm (frame design)
Vormlin (line border)
Strelban (banded pattern)
Klophem (hem design)
Molrup (running pattern)
Kraschain (chain border)
Bresweav (weave border)
Fill Patterns
Stradfil (fill pattern)
Plozchk (checker fill)
Kroldot (dotted fill)
Zylcros (cross-hatching)
Vormgrd (grid fill)
Strelstip (stipple pattern)
Klophach (hatch fill)
Molspot (spot fill)
Krasnet (net fill)
Bresdens (dense fill)
Pattern Combinations
Stradpus-zylshel (octopus with shells)
Ploznaut-kraswav (nautilus with waves)
Krolfol-vormros (foliate with rosettes)
Zylpan-stradspir (panel with spirals)
Vormfri-strellion (frieze with lions)
Strelban-molspot (banded spot fill)
Klophor-krasline (horse with linear pattern)
Technical Pattern Terms
Stradbrush (brush stroke)
Plozthick (line thickness)
Krolspace (spacing)
Zylflow (flow of design)
Vormlay (layout)
Strelbal (balance)
Kloprhy (rhythm)
Molsym (symmetry)
Krasord (order)
Breshar (harmony)
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#3 · Posted: 17 Mar 2025 22:24
Syldavian Chronological Terms for Mycenaean Pottery
Early Mycenaean Period (LH I-II)
Stradpre (predecessors/Minoan influence)
Plozmin (Minoan style)
Krolerl (early phase)
Zylvap (vapheio cups)
Vormgob (goblet style)
Strelpla (plain style)
Klopeph (ephyraean goblets)
Molmat (matt-painted)
Krasfst (first styles)
Brestem (template patterns)
Palace Period (LH IIIA-B)
Stradpal (palatial style)
Plozlux (luxury vessels)
Krolexp (export wares)
Zylkoi (koine style)
Vormstd (standardized)
Strelmas (mass production)
Klopwrk (workshop style)
Moluni (unified style)
Krasint (international style)
Breskyl (kylix period)
Late Palace Period (LH IIIB)
Stradcls (classical phase)
Plozfix (fixed patterns)
Krolrep (repetitive style)
Zylsch (schematic designs)
Vormcnv (conventional style)
Strelfor (formal style)
Klopstd (standard patterns)
Molcom (commercial style)
Krasmec (mechanical style)
Bresuni (uniform style)
Post-Palatial Period (LH IIIC)
Stradpos (post-palatial)
Plozvar (varied style)
Kroldec (decline phase)
Zylreg (regional styles)
Vormclo (close style)
Strelfin (final phase)
Klopgrn (granary style)
Molpic (pictorial revival)
Krasend (end phase)
Bresloc (local styles)
Style Evolution Terms
Stradevo (evolution)
Ploztra (transition)
Kroltren (trend)
Zylcha (change)
Vormdev (development)
Strelpro (progression)
Klopinf (influence)
Molmod (modification)
Krasalt (alteration)
Bresmut (mutation)
Dating Terminology
Straddat (dating)
Plozper (period)
Krolpha (phase)
Zylsta (stage)
Vormyea (year range)
Strelepo (epoch)
Klopseq (sequence)
Molord (order)
Krasage (age)
Bresera (era)
Regional Development Terms
Stradarg (Argolid style)
Plozatt (Attic style)
Krolboe (Boeotian style)
Zylach (Achaea style)
Vormthe (Theban style)
Streleub (Euboean style)
Klopcyp (Cypriot influence)
Molcre (Cretan influence)
Krasrho (Rhodian style)
Breslev (Levantine influence)
Common Chronological Phrases
Stradpal-zylkoi (Palatial Koine period)
Plozmin-krolerl (Early Minoan influence)
Krolexp-vormstd (Standardized export phase)
Zylreg-strelfin (Regional final phase)
Vormdev-krasalt (Style development change)
Formation Rules Used:
1. Period terms use strong initial consonants (str-, pl-)
2. Evolution terms favor -evo, -tra endings
3. Regional terms end in -arg, -att, -boe
4. Dating terms use -dat, -per, -pha patterns
5. Style terms often end in -pal, -koi, -std
Last edited 1 mon
Syldavian Sub-Phase Terminology for Mycenaean Pottery
LH I Sub-Phases (1700-1600 BCE)
Stradone (LH IA early)
Ploziat (LH IA transitional)
Kroliaf (LH IA final)
Zylibe (LH IB early)
Vormibm (LH IB middle)
Strelibf (LH IB final)
Klopimin (Initial Minoan influence)
Moliloc (Initial local style)
Krasitec (Initial technical phase)
Bresidev (Initial development)
LH II Sub-Phases (1600-1400 BCE)
Stradiia (LH IIA early)
Ploziim (LH IIA middle)
Kroliif (LH IIA final)
Zyliib (LH IIB initial)
Vormiim (LH IIB middle)
Streliif (LH IIB final)
Klopefst (Ephyraean first stage)
Molefmd (Ephyraean middle)
Krasefl (Ephyraean final)
Brespal (Pre-palatial transition)
LH IIIA Sub-Phases (1400-1300 BCE)
Stradiiia (IIIA1 early)
Ploziiim (IIIA1 middle)
Kroliiif (IIIA1 final)
Zyliiib (IIIA2 early)
Vormiiim (IIIA2 middle)
Streliiif (IIIA2 final)
Klopiiit (IIIA transitional)
Moliiid (IIIA developmental)
Krasiiic (IIIA classical)
Bresiiil (IIIA late)
LH IIIB Sub-Phases (1300-1200 BCE)
Stradiiib (IIIB1 early)
Ploziiim (IIIB1 middle)
Kroliiif (IIIB1 final)
Zyliiib (IIIB2 early)
Vormiiim (IIIB2 middle)
Streliiif (IIIB2 final)
Klopiiit (IIIB transitional)
Moliiid (IIIB developmental)
Krasiiic (IIIB classical)
Bresiiil (IIIB late)
LH IIIC Sub-Phases (1200-1050 BCE)
Stradiice (IIIC early)
Ploziicm (IIIC middle)
Kroliicf (IIIC final)
Zyliics (IIIC sub-middle)
Vormiicl (IIIC late)
Streliict (IIIC terminal)
Klopiicd (IIIC developed)
Moliica (IIIC advanced)
Krasiicf (IIIC final phase)
Bresiict (IIIC transitional)
Transitional Sub-Phases
Stradtra (Transitional early)
Ploztrm (Transitional middle)
Kroltrf (Transitional final)
Zyltrp (Transitional phase)
Vormtrs (Transitional stage)
Streltrd (Transitional developed)
Kloptrl (Transitional late)
Moltrn (Transitional new)
Krastrv (Transitional evolved)
Brestrx (Transitional complex)
Regional Sub-Phase Terms
Stradarg (Argolid sub-phase)
Plozatt (Attic sub-phase)
Krolboe (Boeotian sub-phase)
Zylach (Achaean sub-phase)
Vormmes (Messenia sub-phase)
Strellac (Laconia sub-phase)
Klopcor (Corinthia sub-phase)
Molthe (Thebes sub-phase)
Krasrho (Rhodes sub-phase)
Breskos (Kos sub-phase)
Stylistic Sub-Phase Markers
Stradmar (Early markers)
Plozdev (Developmental markers)
Krolmat (Mature markers)
Zylcla (Classical markers)
Vormfin (Final markers)
Streltec (Technical markers)
Klopstl (Stylistic markers)
Molfor (Formal markers)
Krastyp (Typological markers)
Brescha (Characteristic markers)
Last edited 1 mon
Classification System
Comprehensive Syldavian Mycenaean Pottery Terminology
Diagnostic Features by Sub-Phase
LH I Diagnostic Features (1700-1600 BCE)
Stradpatlh1 (LH I ripple pattern)
Plozlusone (LH I lustrous decoration)
Krolminlh1 (LH I Minoan motifs)
Zylssplh1 (LH I spiral-stemmed)
Vormthinlh1 (LH I thin-walled)
Strelpalmlh1 (LH I palm motif)
Klopvolulh1 (LH I volute pattern)
Molhandlh1 (LH I high-handled cups)
Krasundlh1 (LH I undulating bands)
Breslightlh1 (LH I light clay)
LH II Diagnostic Features (1600-1400 BCE)
Stradeplh2 (LH II Ephyrean goblets)
Plozstillh2 (LH II still-life compositions)
Krolpalmlh2 (LH II palace style)
Zylstylh2 (LH II stylized plants)
Vormmarinlh2 (LH II marine style)
Strelthinlh2 (LH II thin-rimmed)
Klopnatlh2 (LH II naturalistic)
Molfolialh2 (LH II foliate bands)
Krasmulilh2 (LH II multiple lines)
Bresdenlh2 (LH II dense decoration)
LH IIIA Diagnostic Features (1400-1300 BCE)
Stradpanlh3a (LH IIIA paneled patterns)
Plozstdlh3a (LH IIIA standardized)
Kroltrilh3a (LH IIIA triglyph panels)
Zylscalh3a (LH IIIA scale pattern)
Vormmurlh3a (LH IIIA murex pattern)
Strelflowlh3a (LH IIIA flower motif)
Klopstiplh3a (LH IIIA stippled)
Molkyllh3a (LH IIIA kylix dominance)
Krasredlh3a (LH IIIA reserved zones)
Bresluxlh3a (LH IIIA luxury pieces)
LH IIIB Diagnostic Features (1300-1200 BCE)
Stradformlh3b (LH IIIB formal style)
Plozstrlh3b (LH IIIB strict conventions)
Krolschilh3b (LH IIIB schematic)
Zylsimplh3b (LH IIIB simplified)
Vormbrightlh3b (LH IIIB bright paint)
Strelquilh3b (LH IIIB quirked pattern)
Klopbandlh3b (LH IIIB banded decoration)
Molwhorlh3b (LH IIIB whorl shells)
Krasfrielh3b (LH IIIB frieze pattern)
Bresmeclh3b (LH IIIB mechanical style)
LH IIIC Diagnostic Features (1200-1050 BCE)
Stradpiclh3c (LH IIIC pictorial style)
Plozcloslh3c (LH IIIC close style)
Krolgrnlh3c (LH IIIC granary style)
Zylregionlh3c (LH IIIC regional variations)
Vormfinalh3c (LH IIIC final decorative style)
Strelwarriorlh3c (LH IIIC warrior vases)
Klopbirdinlh3c (LH IIIC bird motifs)
Moloctopuslh3c (LH IIIC octopus style)
Krasnovelh3c (LH IIIC novel compositions)
Bresrecurlh3c (LH IIIC recurrent patterns)
Regional Variations by Sub-Phase
Argolid Regional Sub-Phases
Stradargei (Argolid early innovations)
Plozargst (Argolid standard style)
Krolargmy (Argolid Mycenae workshops)
Zylargtr (Argolid Tiryns style)
Vormargmd (Argolid Midea pottery)
Strelargla (Argolid late style)
Klopargex (Argolid export style)
Molargpal (Argolid palatial style)
Krasargpost (Argolid post-palatial)
Bresargloc (Argolid local variations)
Attic Regional Sub-Phases
Stradarath (Attic Athens style)
Plozattel (Attic Eleusis style)
Krolatmar (Attic Marathon style)
Zylatbra (Attic Brauron style)
Vormatpal (Attic palatial style)
Strelatear (Attic early style)
Klopatlat (Attic late style)
Molatpost (Attic post-palatial)
Krasatexp (Attic export style)
Bresatcom (Attic commercial style)
Boeotian Regional Sub-Phases
Stradboeor (Boeotian Orchomenos style)
Plozboeth (Boeotian Thebes style)
Krolboegl (Boeotian Gla style)
Zylboeeu (Boeotian Eutresis style)
Vormboepal (Boeotian palatial)
Strelboepost (Boeotian post-palatial)
Klopboeear (Boeotian early style)
Molboelat (Boeotian late style)
Krasboeloc (Boeotian local style)
Bresboetran (Boeotian transitional)
Cretan Sub-Phases
Stradcremin (Cretan Minoan influence)
Plozcrekn (Cretan Knossos style)
Krolcrekh (Cretan Khania style)
Zylcrepal (Cretan palatial style)
Vormcrepost (Cretan post-palatial)
Strelcrewar (Cretan warrior style)
Klopcreoc (Cretan octopus style)
Molcrereg (Cretan regional style)
Krascreexp (Cretan export style)
Brescretra (Cretan transitional)
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#4 · Posted: 17 Mar 2025 22:26
Transitional Characteristics Between Sub-Phases
LH I to LH II Transition
Stradtri-ii (I-II transition elements)
Ploztriminpal (I-II Minoan to palatial shift)
Kroltrivolcut (I-II volute to cut-stem)
Zyltrimardec (I-II marine decoration start)
Vormtristylm (I-II stylization process)
Streltrimotsub (I-II motif substitution)
Kloptricompimpr (I-II compositional improvement)
Moltrihandlow (I-II handle lowering)
Krastrishapeadj (I-II shape adjustments)
Brestritechimpr (I-II technical improvements)
LH II to LH IIIA Transition
Stradtrii-iiia (II-IIIA transition markers)
Ploztriapalstd (II-IIIA palatial to standardized)
Kroltriifnap (II-IIIA naturalistic to panel)
Zyltriimarsim (II-IIIA marine to simplified)
Vormtriiwrkbur (II-IIIA workshop to bureaucratic)
Streltriimotclas (II-IIIA motif classification)
Kloptriiuniprep (II-IIIA unified preparation)
Moltriimassstr (II-IIIA mass structured)
Krastriifillsp (II-IIIA filling spaces)
Brestriitechdiv (II-IIIA technical diversity)
LH IIIA to LH IIIB Transition
Stradtriiiia-iiib (IIIA-IIIB transition)
Ploztriiiaschsim (IIIA-IIIB schematic simplification)
Kroltriiiareduc (IIIA-IIIB reduction of elements)
Zyltriiiamotpro (IIIA-IIIB motif processing)
Vormtriiiamech (IIIA-IIIB mechanical style)
Streltriiiapanel (IIIA-IIIB panel reorganization)
Kloptriiiabandexp (IIIA-IIIB banded expansion)
Moltriiiashapesta (IIIA-IIIB shape standardization)
Krastriiiamotdeg (IIIA-IIIB motif degeneration)
Brestriiiasmalldec (IIIA-IIIB smaller decoration)
LH IIIB to LH IIIC Transition
Stradtriiiib-iiic (IIIB-IIIC transition)
Ploztriiibdeclin (IIIB-IIIC decline elements)
Kroltriiibregion (IIIB-IIIC regional divergence)
Zyltriiibreviv (IIIB-IIIC revival features)
Vormtriiibpictori (IIIB-IIIC pictorial features)
Streltriiibchaos (IIIB-IIIC chaotic period)
Kloptriiibinnov (IIIB-IIIC innovation aspects)
Moltriiibworkloc (IIIB-IIIC workshop localization)
Krastriiibhandma (IIIB-IIIC hand-made return)
Brestriiibfractu (IIIB-IIIC fractured tradtion)
Vessel Types by Sub-Phase
LH I Vessel Types
Stradlhicup (LH I vapheio cup)
Plozlhigob (LH I goblet)
Krollhijar (LH I jar)
Zyllhijug (LH I jug)
Vormlhirhyt (LH I rhyton)
Strellhiala (LH I alabastron)
Kloplhiamp (LH I amphora)
Mollhipyx (LH I pyxis)
Kraslhibow (LH I bowl)
Breslhipit (LH I pithos)
LH II Vessel Types
Stradlhiieph (LH II ephyraean goblet)
Plozlhiipal (LH II palace style jar)
Krollhiimar (LH II marine style vessel)
Zyllhiikyl (LH II kylix)
Vormlhiistir (LH II stirrup jar)
Strellhiikrater (LH II krater)
Kloplhiiamp (LH II amphora)
Mollhiialb (LH II alabastron)
Kraslhiipyx (LH II pyxis)
Breslhiibowl (LH II bowl)
LH IIIA Vessel Types
Stradlhiiiakylix (LH IIIA kylix)
Plozlhiiiastir (LH IIIA stirrup jar)
Krollhiiiakrat (LH IIIA krater)
Zyllhiiiapir (LH IIIA piriform jar)
Vormlhiiiaalb (LH IIIA alabastron)
Strellhiiiaamp (LH IIIA amphora)
Kloplhiiiapyx (LH IIIA pyxis)
Mollhiiiajug (LH IIIA jug)
Kraslhiiiarhyt (LH IIIA rhyton)
Breslhiiiabowl (LH IIIA bowl)
LH IIIB Vessel Types
Stradlhiiibkyl (LH IIIB kylix)
Plozlhiiibstir (LH IIIB stirrup jar)
Krollhiiibkrat (LH IIIB krater)
Zyllhiiibpir (LH IIIB piriform jar)
Vormlhiiibdeep (LH IIIB deep bowl)
Strellhiiibamp (LH IIIB amphora)
Kloplhiiibcup (LH IIIB cup)
Mollhiiibjug (LH IIIB jug)
Kraslhiiibfeed (LH IIIB feeding bottle)
Breslhiiibstan (LH IIIB stemmed bowl)
LH IIIC Vessel Types
Stradlhiiicdeep (LH IIIC deep bowl)
Plozlhiiicstir (LH IIIC stirrup jar)
Krollhiiicbel (LH IIIC bellied jar)
Zyllhiiicwar (LH IIIC warrior vase)
Vormlhiiicpic (LH IIIC pictorial krater)
Strellhiiicamph (LH IIIC amphora)
Kloplhiiicfeed (LH IIIC feeding bottle)
Mollhiiickalu (LH IIIC kalathos)
Kraslhiiicoctop (LH IIIC octopus stirrup jar)
Breslhiiicjug (LH IIIC jug)
Integrative Terminology
Diagnostic Feature + Regional Variations
Stradpatlh1-argei (LH I ripple pattern Argolid style)
Plozlusone-attel (LH I lustrous decoration Eleusis style)
Krolnatiii-boeor (LH III naturalistic Orchomenos style)
Zylstyii-crekn (LH II stylized Knossos style)
Transitional Phase + Vessel Type
Stradtri-ii-cup (I-II transition cup)
Ploztriiiia-iiib-kyl (IIIA-IIIB transition kylix)
Kroltriiib-iiic-bowl (IIIB-IIIC transition bowl)
Zyltriiib-iiic-ampho (IIIB-IIIC transition amphora)
Comprehensive Classification Examples
Stradpatlh1-argei-cup (LH I ripple pattern Argolid style cup)
Plozstdlh3a-attel-kyl (LH
Comprehensive Classification Examples (continued)
Plozstdlh3a-attel-kyl (LH IIIA standardized Eleusis style kylix)
Krolschiiiib-boegl-stir (LH IIIB schematic Gla style stirrup jar)
Zylpiciic-crekh-deep (LH IIIC pictorial Khania style deep bowl)
Vormmarinii-argtr-krat (LH II marine style Tiryns krater)
Streloctopiiic-boeth-stir (LH IIIC octopus style Thebes stirrup jar)
Klopbandiiib-creminamp (LH IIIB banded Minoan influence amphora)
Molwarrioriiic-atbra-krat (LH IIIC warrior style Brauron krater)
Krasformiib-argpal-pyx (LH IIIB formal style Argolid palatial pyxis)
Bresregionaliiic-boeloc-jug (LH IIIC regional Boeotian local style jug)
Fabric and Clay Analysis Terms
Clay Source Terminology
Stradclay (clay source)
Plozargcl (Argolid clay)
Krolattcl (Attic clay)
Zylboecl (Boeotian clay)
Vormcrecl (Cretan clay)
Strelcorcl (Corinthian clay)
Kloprhocl (Rhodian clay)
Molcypcl (Cypriot clay)
Krasloccl (Local clay)
Bresimpcl (Imported clay)
Fabric Analysis Terms
Stradmicro (microscopic analysis)
Plozincl (inclusions)
Krolmica (mica content)
Zylcalc (calcareous particles)
Vormquart (quartz content)
Strelporos (porosity)
Kloptemp (temper materials)
Molfiring (firing conditions)
Krasoxid (oxidation level)
Bresreduc (reduction firing)
Technical Production Terms
Stradwheel (wheel-made techniques)
Plozcoil (coil-built portions)
Krolmold (mold-made elements)
Zylhand (hand-built components)
Vormjoin (joining techniques)
Strelpolish (surface polishing)
Klopslip (slip application)
Molpaint (paint composition)
Krasburn (firing temperature)
Bresskil (craftsmanship level)
Scholarly Documentation Terminology
Analytical Methods
Stradpetr (petrographic analysis)
Plozxrf (XRF analysis)
Krolspec (spectroscopic examination)
Zylnaa (neutron activation analysis)
Vormiso (isotope analysis)
Strelsem (scanning electron microscopy)
Kloprad (radiography)
Molultra (ultraviolet examination)
Krasinfra (infrared analysis)
Brestomo (tomography)
Classification Systems
Stradtype (typological system)
Plozfunsk (Furumark's classification)
Krolmont (Mountjoy's classification)
Zylpop (Popham's system)
Vormwace (Wace's classification)
Strelblg (Blegen's system)
Klopfuru (Furumark motif numbers)
Molfuru (Furumark shape numbers)
Krasregid (regional identification system)
Brescomtyp (comparative typology)
Documentation Terminology
Stradcat (catalog entry)
Plozdesc (descriptive terminology)
Krolcomp (comparative analysis)
Zylprov (provenance documentation)
Vormcont (context recording)
Streldraw (technical drawing)
Klopphot (photographic documentation)
Molrecon (reconstruction methodology)
Krasarchiv (archival reference)
Bresbibl (bibliographic citation)
Combined Terminology Examples
Complete Vessel Description Examples
Stradpatlh1-argei-cup-argcl-wheel-petr (LH I ripple pattern Argolid style cup made of Argolid clay, wheel-made, petrographically analyzed)
Plozstdlh3a-attel-kyl-attcl-wheel-furu (LH IIIA standardized Eleusis style kylix made of Attic clay, wheel-made, classified by Furumark)
Krolschiiiib-boegl-stir-boecl-wheel-xrf (LH IIIB schematic Gla style stirrup jar made of Boeotian clay, wheel-made, XRF analyzed)
Zylpiciic-crekh-deep-crecl-wheel-mont (LH IIIC pictorial Khania style deep bowl made of Cretan clay, wheel-made, classified by Mountjoy)
Comprehensive Museum Catalog Examples
Stradmuscat-patlh1-argei-cup-argcl-strowFS254-klowenFM43 (Museum catalog entry for LH I ripple pattern Argolid style cup of Argolid clay, Furumark Shape 254, Furumark Motif 43)
Plozmuscat-mariiii-boeth-krat-boecl-strowFS281-klowenFM53 (Museum catalog entry for LH III marine style Thebes krater of Boeotian clay, Furumark Shape 281, Furumark Motif 53)
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#5 · Posted: 17 Mar 2025 22:56

here is a new pdf link is the sum or collection of this archaeology forum thread. You can find another link for introduction to mycenaean pottery book in the first post here

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