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Topic Author Last reply Replies  Views 
E.P. Jacobs: His role in the production of the books? Pharaoh
31 Oct 2011 03:15
1 Nov 2011 02:21
4 4,990
Hergé: Influenced by E.O. Plauen's "Vater und Sohn"? ThompsonandThomson
5 Aug 2010 13:05
8 Aug 2010 12:17
4 3,159
An interview with Jo-El Azara (Joseph F. Loeckx) jock123
18 Jun 2010 11:04
18 Jun 2010 20:52
2 2,868
Studios Hergé: R.I.P. Josette Baujot luinivierge2010
14 Aug 2009 13:17
18 Jun 2010 14:43
3 3,535
Moulinsart: How do I contact them? Abdullah007
10 May 2010 12:52
11 May 2010 08:51
1 3,723
New Book: "Hergé in His Own Words" number1fan
27 Apr 2010 12:14
27 Apr 2010 14:11
5 4,954
Size of Tintin artwork? Eric
5 Apr 2010 15:31
6 Apr 2010 01:30
2 5,895
Pierre Assouline: "Hergé: The Man Who Created Tintin"   2 comixfanboy
4 Apr 2009 06:19
4 Apr 2010 17:39
17 12,264
Philippe Goddin: "The Art of Hergé, Volume 2" - out in November 2009?   2 number1fan
26 Jul 2009 19:41
16 Jan 2010 15:20
12 5,131
Paul Gravett: Article - Hergé and the Clear Line rastapoper
11 May 2009 12:15

0 2,084
Germaine Kieckens: Any biographical information on Hergée? SakuraT5
1 Sep 2007 05:35
11 May 2009 12:15
6 7,668
Hergé: Looking for architecture influences? christi
14 Apr 2009 16:02
19 Apr 2009 15:01
9 4,899
Hergé: Seeking quotes from him on his political views? marsbar
26 Mar 2009 10:20
26 Mar 2009 20:19
2 4,508
Hergé: Paris Match "most important people of the last 60 years" poll! jock123
20 Mar 2009 23:13

0 2,113
Hergé: Did he place enough emphasis on Tintin?   2 SakuraT5
22 Aug 2007 06:31
10 Jan 2009 22:01
14 6,505
Hergé's Dog: What was it's name? sthlm01
12 Oct 2008 20:56

0 2,492
Hergé: How is "Hergé" pronounced?   2 Gerry Alanguilan
12 Oct 2005 08:51
12 Jun 2008 14:13
19 18,090
Hergé: His depiction of Race and Ethnicity   2 tybaltstone
25 May 2004 09:41
Harrock n roll
12 Apr 2008 23:58
18 7,782
Hergé: Were he and Hergée in a car crash in 1952? Etterbeek
23 Jan 2008 10:28
30 Jan 2008 19:24
9 4,401
Hergé: Interviewed on "Premier Plan", 1962 Etterbeek
25 Jan 2008 18:29

0 18,828

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