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Topic Author Last reply Replies  Views 
Q25: Swedish connections   2 Mikael Uhlin
25 Jun 2006 16:33
24 Jul 2006 11:40
19 2,995
Q23: About German cities yamilah
19 Jun 2006 12:02
Mikael Uhlin
21 Jun 2006 15:27
8 2,394
Q22: Egyptian goddess in Tintin? kirthiboy
17 Jun 2006 23:21
18 Jun 2006 16:32
3 2,173
Q21: About wound-dressings in Tintin yamilah
14 Jun 2006 18:06
17 Jun 2006 23:19
7 2,588
Q20: Name three books in which Tintin drinks aguardiente! kirthiboy
12 Jun 2006 17:06
13 Jun 2006 09:51
7 3,393
Q19: In which books is Japan evoked? yamilah
9 Jun 2006 18:58
12 Jun 2006 10:22
6 2,418
Q18: Book that mentions name of a famous British liner? kirthiboy
8 Jun 2006 14:16
9 Jun 2006 19:02
10 2,773
Q17: Who is the czar? yamilah
5 Jun 2006 11:19
8 Jun 2006 12:12
5 2,415
Q16 : Belgian cities   2 chevet
30 May 2006 05:40
6 Jun 2006 17:04
18 3,186
Q15: What are the four ships? yamilah
24 May 2006 19:27
29 May 2006 13:54
6 3,483
Q14: Birds in The Castafiore Emerald Harrock n roll
23 May 2006 17:58
Harrock n roll
26 May 2006 11:51
4 2,466
Q13: Tintin and the Holy Grail edcharlesadams
19 May 2006 17:03
22 May 2006 14:19
9 2,824
Q11: Haddock on TV Harrock n roll
16 May 2006 21:12
Harrock n roll
19 May 2006 01:24
9 2,593
Q12: Tintin as a journalist mondrian
18 May 2006 14:15
18 May 2006 18:35
5 2,108
Q10: Changes to the English text edcharlesadams
14 May 2006 23:39
Harrock n roll
15 May 2006 18:41
8 2,498
Q9: Which work of fiction does Tintin read? Richard
14 May 2006 13:56
14 May 2006 23:47
3 2,248
Q8 : Find at least two frames with newspapers (or magazines) chevet
12 May 2006 18:31
14 May 2006 12:49
8 3,887
Q7: Where's 'Caesar' refered to, in the corpus?   2  3 yamilah
7 May 2006 15:30
12 May 2006 07:33
21 3,065
Q6: Which albums contain factual characters? mondrian
4 May 2006 12:25
6 May 2006 15:17
8 3,848
Q5: When do the detectives appear, sort of? labrador road 26
3 May 2006 10:11
3 May 2006 16:14
3 1,973

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