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Topic Author Last reply Replies  Views 
Sticky: Game Threads: Please don't start any new ones. Thanks! number1fan
27 Apr 2010 22:24

0 4,896
Sticky: Official 'I am back!' / 'Welcome back!' thread   2  3  4  5  6 cigars of the beeper
14 Dec 2007 17:49
Harrock n roll
11 Jun 2020 10:50
55 9,455
Sticky: Welcome to the Forums: Please introduce yourself!   2  3  4  ...  51  52 admin
16 Mar 2004 11:57
11 Dec 2024 09:11
515 59,079
20 years later, glad to see the forums are still thriving kirthiboy
23 Feb 2025 19:04
24 Feb 2025 22:46
2 660
Tin Tin: Australian band from the early 1970s Literalman
22 Oct 2024 02:05
3 Nov 2024 15:44
2 1,254
Tintin Pins & Badges: 1980's Kih Oskh Pin - won on eBay, lost in the mail :( stormcrow
16 Feb 2024 10:27
2 Mar 2024 12:30
2 1,389
Corona virus or COVID-19 mct16
4 Apr 2020 02:43
23 Jun 2020 17:21
7 6,064
The new Royal baby and Tintinologists chevet
8 May 2019 20:45

0 4,408
How many countries have you travelled to which Tintin visited?   2  3 Shivam302001
21 Feb 2019 17:42
11 Apr 2019 01:30
25 5,224
Professor Calculus: Which invention of his do you absolutely require?   2 Shivam302001
19 Jan 2019 12:51
Piotr Skut
15 Mar 2025 03:18
14 2,728
Captain Haddock: Happy Birthday! (9th January, 1941) Shivam302001
9 Jan 2019 13:05
9 Jan 2019 23:33
2 2,116
The Science of Observation and Deduction Shivam302001
8 Jan 2019 15:58
8 Jan 2019 23:51
1 1,145
Anybody fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Shivam302001
12 Nov 2018 13:35
13 Nov 2018 16:19
2 1,213
Johnny English: Similar to the Thom(p)sons? Shivam302001
29 Sep 2018 08:07
1 Oct 2018 17:15
3 2,008
Fifa World Cup 2018 Shivam302001
18 Jun 2018 15:43
21 Jul 2018 03:42
9 3,255
Tintin in School: A student's delight Shivam302001
9 May 2018 20:51
19 May 2018 07:12
3 2,304
What type of Tintinologist are you? snowybella
23 Feb 2018 01:49
3 Mar 2018 21:47
2 2,350
Washington Post: Girl reporter in Pennsylvania makes the news! Literalman
18 Sep 2017 16:41

0 1,519
Looking to meet Tintinologists in Bruxelles by 07/04/2017 for Survey! Bendeguz
5 Apr 2017 18:41

0 1,532
Album vs. Paperback/ Hardcover: Is there a difference? ArijitMalakar
16 Nov 2016 07:32
16 Nov 2016 15:21
1 4,256

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