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Tintin: Happy 96th Birthday! Harrock n roll
10 Jan 2025 15:39
10 Jan 2025 17:14
1 1,633
Captain Haddock: "Tintin and the terrific tomb" article name-checks Haddock family Harrock n roll
18 Dec 2024 11:12

0 1,405
The Blue Lotus: Colourised version of B&W for 2025 (plus new Phillippe Goddin books)   2 LeLotusBleu
8 Nov 2024 19:29
10 Jan 2025 23:16
15 5,595
Tintin: BBC Radio's Great Lives Balthazar
3 Oct 2024 12:50
18 Dec 2024 17:40
2 2,345
R.I.P. André Juillard (1948-2024) jock123
1 Aug 2024 10:21

0 6,052
Hergé: Happy Birthday, Georges Prosper Remi! (b. 22 May, 1907, Etterbeek, Belgium) jock123
22 May 2024 10:35

0 1,637
"Tintin inspired [Belgium] away kit homage to cartoonist Hergé" george
16 Mar 2024 08:59

0 1,823
Tintin: Happy 95th Birthday! jock123
10 Jan 2024 15:55
Harrock n roll
10 Jan 2024 20:07
1 1,880
Tintin in Other Languages: Number of albums still growing! tintiNZ
22 Oct 2023 21:17
19 Dec 2024 15:58
1 2,019
For sale: Tintin Rocket book display carousel Tony W
19 Sep 2023 14:35
4 Oct 2023 00:25
1 1,955
Hergé: Etterbeck bust of Georges Remi goes "missing"... jock123
12 Aug 2023 16:25
12 Aug 2023 22:08
1 1,364
Professor Calculus: Albert Algoud's biography coming in English! jock123
2 Aug 2023 22:49

0 1,334
The Castafiore Emerald: Magazine version to be published RedVictory356
17 Jul 2023 06:42
Harrock n roll
2 Jan 2025 11:09
7 2,031
Auction: Hergé sketches and signed books, Hawley's Auctioneers, Beverley May 21st 2023 jock123
21 May 2023 17:13
21 Jul 2023 10:25
1 1,260
Björn Karlström: "Biggles" series from Hodder & Stoughton rastapopoulos
25 May 2004 21:18
29 Jul 2004 06:37
1 790
Tintin: An influence on Coluche in "La Vengeance du Serpent à Plumes"...? mct16
12 Oct 2008 15:45

0 567
Tintin Magazine: Set to "rise from the ashes"...? jock123
26 Jan 2023 17:43

0 1,258
TintinImaginatio First NFT: "The Blue Lotus" original cover jock123
10 Jan 2023 17:21

0 1,749
Hergé artwork coming up for auction Balthazar
2 Dec 2022 20:28

0 1,207
Tintin, the Immersive Adventure at the Atelier des Lumiéres, Paris. Rocky
21 Oct 2022 06:23

0 1,712

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