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Topic Author Last reply Replies  Views 
New Syldavian List derived from Historical and Slang Terms like Müsttler and Curvy Tasch Mustafa Umut Sarac
18 Mar 2025 15:05
Mustafa Umut Sarac
18 Mar 2025 15:48
4 352
Archaeology - Mycenaean Pottery Terms in Syldavian And a Book ! Mustafa Umut Sarac
17 Mar 2025 22:20
Mustafa Umut Sarac
17 Mar 2025 22:56
4 382
New Generated Syldavian Words and Meanings - 16 years of work   2  3 Mustafa Umut Sarac
27 Jun 2024 02:08
Mustafa Umut Sarac
1 Feb 2025 21:02
22 5,977
Borduria: Is a Soviet aligned/ Eastern bloc country? TintinFan0332
4 Nov 2023 11:57
10 Nov 2023 21:29
2 2,465
Journal Tintin - spécial 77 ans... george
22 Sep 2023 17:47
24 Sep 2023 13:04
1 848
Captain Haddock: Help with his Swedish Curses Harrock n roll
3 May 2004 00:53
3 May 2004 18:47
3 543
Identification Wanted: What are these, please? Thekummincamel
26 Mar 2022 22:23
29 Mar 2022 08:56
3 1,886
Hergé: Who was his real grandfather? tintiNZ
11 Jul 2021 04:57
11 Jul 2021 10:39
1 1,285
Best book about Tintin? Rhods1989
11 Jun 2021 14:25
2 Aug 2021 15:48
10 2,300
Tintin: Why are there no new, official books? ksoidsd
4 Jun 2021 20:20
10 Nov 2021 08:37
7 5,801
Tintin "Lego Ideas" Set AiDaN28
11 Jan 2021 16:51
30 Mar 2021 19:15
1 1,385
Happy 80th Birthday, Captain Haddock! jock123
2 Jan 2021 23:36
3 Jan 2021 10:03
2 1,079
Thomson and Thompson: Which detective do you prefer? luca
11 Nov 2020 19:55
13 Nov 2020 19:53
1 945
Graham Greene and Tintin Richard
22 Oct 2020 10:33
16 Nov 2020 00:46
2 1,285
Can I Draw My Own Tintin Comic and Put it on the Internet? [Answered] Induwara
22 May 2020 08:10

0 1,532
Studio Ghibli and the Tintin connection Shivam302001
15 May 2020 14:27
21 May 2020 09:08
1 2,732
What is Thompson's name in Slovakian? lacazet2k
17 Mar 2020 08:59
7 Sep 2020 12:32
2 1,281
Soviets: The Cheka and the OGPU Shivam302001
15 Feb 2020 05:17
18 Feb 2020 18:35
2 1,857
Tintin: Who coloured the artwork? castacalc
5 Feb 2020 15:49
10 Feb 2020 21:20
2 1,959
Soviets: North to South pole flight Shivam302001
4 Jul 2019 05:44
5 Jul 2019 01:50
2 6,895

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