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Kevin Rudd: Moulinsart complain about parody of Rudd as Tintin in cartoons.

#1 · Posted: 22 Mar 2009 09:07
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I've always wished for a Tintin adventure situated in Australia.
To my knowledge, he only tries to visit the country once, in Flight 714 (Sydney is only given a brief mention, though), but it seems as though Hergé was planning for another adventure Down Under!
[url=www.chinadaily.com.cn/entertainment/2007-06/04/content_886866.htm]It's mentioned in this article[/url], from which the following quote comes:
Tintin, who travelled extensively in the books written by Georges Remi under the name of Herge, never made it to Australia. But according to The Australian, most of the writer's unused research involved the southern continent, suggesting he was preparing a Tintin Down Under before he died in 1983.

Any thoughts? I reckon there would have been a croc fighting scene.

And who's guessing that Kevin Rudd himself would have awarded him the Order of Australia? XD (Kevin Rudd is the Prime Minister of Australia, who has been made fun of in political cartoons due to his likeness to Tintin).

Okay, I've rambled enough.

Moderator Note: Well, threads do wander from time-to-time... ;-) However, it might be useful to let people know that the article is actually about the controversy of Kevin Rudd being shown as a parody Tintin in political cartoons, rather than that Hergé might have done a story there - so we have changed the thread title to show this.
The Tidy Tintinologist Team
#2 · Posted: 4 Apr 2009 13:57
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Yay for Australia (I live there), Perth exactly :)
For some reason I don't think I would enjoy an Australian adventure.
But yeah I think there would be a croc fighting scene.
Maybe Tintin would rescue a koala or something?
#3 · Posted: 4 Apr 2009 23:18
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But according to The Australian, most of the writer's unused research involved the southern continent, suggesting he was preparing a Tintin Down Under before he died in 1983.

Hmm... I wonder if The Australian read my report on the conference held in Greenwich, at which Michael Farr told the audience about the Australian research?
They may be a little precipitous to say that he was preparing something with it - he may have looked at it and found himself unable to use it - but he certainly had accumulated material.

The article is stirring things a bit, because it makes it sould like there is a big storm brewing, and then tells you that it has been more or less resolved: Moulinsart clarified that the making of the parody cartoons using Tintin isn't a problem (which, given the frequency with which such things are done in Europe without a peep, would genuinely seem to be their position), but the selling of such images in quantity, which probably does start to get into a different area of use.

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