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Cigars of the Pharaoh: black and white English version release date

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#21 · Posted: 2 Jul 2005 10:47
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number1fan wrote: Is the English-language black and white [i]Cigars of the Pharaoh out now?[/i]

No, not yet. Just keep an eye on this thread.
#22 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 02:07
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As I'm on holiday in San Francisco I thought I'd visit Last Gasp (thanks to this site for the address). I found that they're not open to the public but a friendly Last Gasp employee spoke to me from an upstairs window. He said they still don't have a firm release date for Cigars yet, it's in the hands of Casterman.
Harrock n roll
#23 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 10:32
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I found that they're not open to the public but a friendly Last Gasp employee spoke to me from an upstairs window. He said they still don't have a firm release date for Cigars yet, it's in the hands of Casterman.

Thanks for that Rocky! You have gone beyond the call of duty in actually calling on Last Gasp and demanding a release date!
#24 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 10:36
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What did you do? Stand outside there banging on the door and shouting? :)

Good work with the information!

#25 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 16:33
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Thanks for your appreciation!
What did you do? Stand outside there banging on the door and shouting?
No, I just pressed the doorbell!
The guy said they're really just acting as distributers for Casterman.
Trivia Challenge Score Keeper
#26 · Posted: 2 Aug 2005 10:20
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The latest word from the Tintin Shop (London) is that they don't have an exact date, but are expecting the book in "any time soon". Watch this space!

Trivia Challenge Score Keeper
#27 · Posted: 15 Aug 2005 20:30
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The wait goes on! Amazon.co.uk are now listing the publication date as "November 2005".
I emailed Last Gasp last week, but have had no reply as yet.

#28 · Posted: 31 Aug 2005 00:35
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Mmmm ! "The Tintin in the Orient 1" lettering looks a bit clumsy to me though. Is that how it is on the original French version?

I have an original pre-war Tintin au Congo and on the backcover Tintin en Orient is definitely mentioned, but as a subtitle. My guess is to continue the Tintin in... tradition.
You don't have to guess the subtitle for the next album: The blue lotus. That is, of course, Tintin en Extreme-Orient.
The picture shows a '1', so maybe that's not on for the British edition.
Harrock n roll
#29 · Posted: 31 Aug 2005 17:44
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thundercars The picture shows a '1', so maybe that's not on for the British edition.

It's quite likely that the picture shown at Amazon is just a pre-publishing "mock-up". This also occured for the cover to the recent America facsimile which showed a more "soviets" style lettering although the final version was quite different. Hopefully we'll find out very soon!
Trivia Challenge Score Keeper
#30 · Posted: 10 Nov 2005 00:21
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More discouraging news I'm afraid - amazon.co.uk is now giving the publication date as March 2006.


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